Friday, 30 October 2015


For my music video I want to create a home video style music video. The main inspiration that I will be using for my video will be Phillip Phillips song Gone Gone Gone and also Ed Sheeran’s song Photograph. This is because I like the idea of using home footage as this makes the video more personal. This is good as it allows the artist to show their fans a part of their life. The use of images and videos from different time periods show the progression of the video. The use of old and new images and videos make the video seem more realistic. The images and videos within my music video need to be random and very different this is because I want it do have a different style and feel to each part of the video. I think that the style from Ed Sheeran and Phillip Phillips songs are good to use for inspiration because I can use the same filming and colour scheme style. I am wanting to use the autumn and winter months to create a certain style to the video. By using the seasons like autumn and winter this allows me to use autumnal colours and weather to create the style that I want. I think that by using bonfire night as a setting for part of the music video this will allow me to film with the fireworks and in the night. This will allow me to film where there is a family and friends style surrounding and this will allow me to get some footage and images that will give a different style and feel to my video that will stand out and look and have a different feel compared to others out there.

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