Friday, 30 October 2015

Props, makeup, costume design and choreography

Make up

The makeup style needs to be like a Taylor swift style. This is because there needs to be a flawless pale face with rosy cheeks and emphasis facial definition. This needs to be similar to Taylor Swift’s style of neutral make up style with bold colours featuring. There needs to be deep dark and red lip sticks with berry colours. These need to match the type of style with the seasons. E.g. autumnal colours to match with the weather. Brassy colours such as gold and bronze need to be used as eye shadow this is to create a look of more fairy tale style than day to day. Bold eye makeup needs to be used to make them stand out. High definition and tick bold eyebrows would be a good feature as this would allow there to be another bold facial feature to focus on along with the bold lips.

The main style that I will base my visuals on will be the Taylor Swift and Lily Collins style. I think that Taylor uses a clean and basic make up style in her music videos that make it more effective. The actress Lily Collins in the Movie Mirror Mirror is the main style that I will base my makeup design off this is because I think that her pale make up, red lips and tick bold eyebrows enable her look to be one of the main features within the video. I think that the best look to base my makeup on will be Lily Collins as this is the main style that I am aiming to achieve. This is also linked with the setting that is in the movie because it is mainly filmed in woodland during the autumnal and winter months enabling there to be a more winter feel to the video

The hair style will be long and flowing. It will have a beach wave, messy windswept style to it. It will have styles like long plats and fish tail designs. This will help achieve the genre style that I want this is because the long messy haired style will go well with the indie, alternative rock style that I want to achieve with my music video.

Girls, black jeans and oversized boyfriend fit shirts. Dark colours and oversized jumpers these will all be in relation to the autumnal colours that I wish to achieve. Brown bots and wellies will be a feature item this is because this look will help to create an indie alternative look to the video. Scarves, hats and gloves are good pieces to use as this gives the audience an idea of what the weather is like and also allows there to be a good scene setter piece. This helps with the style of location as this will influence the thoughts of the audience. Knitted items need to be featured as this chunky knit style will give the video a different feel.
Boys, dark colours will be used on the boys as this will help to contrast against the girls’ clothing and the autumnal colours. Layering will be used to create a multiple effect this will be done with colour schemes ensuring that the colours and styles of clothing that are used will match the rest of the video. This is so no items of clothing look out of place within the video.

Props and feature pieces
The items that will feature in the music video will be acoustic guitars, this is because the music style consists of this style of music. The scenery will be mainly woodland based and fallen leaves and twigs. Bonfire night will be a good setting to use for parts of our final production as this will allow there to be a family and friends setting that will have the desired outdoor and cold weather effect. This is a good setting to film in because the style of clothing and colours that I want in my music video will be there. The use of bright lights with the sparklers and fireworks will also add an atmospheric feel to the video.


The main style of dancing and movement will be fairly slow pace. This will consist of walks through woodland and other rural areas. This will help to emphasise the lyrics in the video. There will be no real dancing as such this is because the video its self will mainly be constructed with lots of different home forage videos that will all be put together to create a different style of video. The different locations will affect the different styles of choreography that is used this is because the different locations will influence the style of dancing and movement that we use in our music video.

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