Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Potential target audience

Audience research is an important factor when it comes to producing something for the public. This is needed to find out what tastes you target audience likes and what they want from a music video. When targeting a specific audience you need to get specific feedback to ensure that the video is going to be successful. The research that is going to be needed will be mainly primary this is because I will be able to find out specific features that link to my music video. There will be two types of feedback when it comes to results these will either be Quantitative or Qualitative research this is because Quantitative will give me structured data and will provide me with conclusions from surveys. However Qualitative research will enable me to develop a summary which will be concluded from interviews and focus groups that will allow me to find out exactly what the consumer will want.

It is difficult to have a target audience that is just an age group. This is because all people have very different tastes in music and the style of videos that they enjoy therefore it is difficult to base a target audience on just an age group. By creating a target audience profile this enables you to create a music video that is well adjusted and is well designed so it meets the exact desired features that the clients and target audience want. Features that must be included are demographics, lifestyle, brands and psychographics this will help indicate what they want.

The main style that I will be focusing my client profile on will be alternative rock this enables me to have two very different target audiences which allows me to have more people to aim my music video at. I will mainly use picture and mood boards to portray the genre and style that I believe my clients will like.

I have used images of existing bands that i listen to and what the style of alternative rock is associated with. I believe that these bands and there specific style of music and their videos will assist me in the production of my own. I believe that the style of clothing and individuals that are on my mood board also reflect upon the style of the individuals that will like the alternative rock music that I am wanting to emphasis in my music video. I have used shots from existing music video such as the bottom right image of Jamie T's music video Sticks 'n' Stones.

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