Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Analysis of music videos: Disclosure - Magnets ft.Lorde

The beginning focus of the video is Lorde the artist that features in it for the first 12 seconds there is no singing just the music going along with the music. It looks like a very futuristic maybe even out of this wold setting this is because of the two red moons. As it moves in close to the woman in the shot the scenery can be seen that it is on a high landscape next to a pool. This shot shows the over view of a city that seems to have two search helicopters moving over it. It is showing there is a dark and slow paced introduction to the song. It begins with a slow paced music style and the lyrics match this by beginning with ‘never really felt bad about it’ this instigates the fact that there is another thing that is going to feature that is not a good thing. Then as she begins to sing she moves away from the pool side and then begins to walk it then pans to a shot of a house. However it shows a moon in the background which could represent her coming back to reality. It shows Lorde moving in towards the house and then changes to a shot at a party it shows a man and a woman stood together talking to people. The lyrics begin to say ‘I was wondering about you and that girl is she your girlfriend’ this indicates that the man in the shot is in a relationship with the girl he is stood next to then it changes to a shot of the same man and Lorde walking into a room to him. The music then suddenly drops as she walks to him at a faster pace and then kisses him this relates to the first set of lyrics this is because  she said ‘never really felt bad about it’ this could mean that it relates to how she and him re having an affair together. As this happens the lyrics carry on but this is different as she is actually singing along to them. Then the shot changes to the man and his wife and then keeps on having shot reverse shot between Lorde and him being with his wife. At 1.50 the shot changes to Lorde and the man being in a bedroom walk in closet they are running and moving quickly with each other indicating that they are trying to hide from his wife. It then changes to a shot of the wife looking out of the window you only know it is the wife when the shot pans around to her face and as she turns around you see the man coming out of the shower as he wipes his face with a towel. It then shows a shot of the back of Lorde in a long black coat again she is singling along to match the lyrics. From 2.11 until 2.35 it just shows Lorde dancing and singing as she moves along a glass corridor that then leads to the swimming pool side that she was stood at in the beginning of the video. It then shows as she emerges from the corridor a man tied to a chair you only realise that it is the man when the shot pans around and shows his panicked face. It then shows as she comes out from the corridor the wife stood there in similar dark makeup to Lorde’s and then has shot interchanging between the flash backs to the night and other events throughout the music video. The key lyrics that feature through the video are ‘let’s embrace the point of no return’ this keeps on linking back to the shot of them when the firms met as just the two of them this is representing the point of no return. At 3.00 it shows her singing ‘let’s embrace the point of no return’ into his face and it looks like she is shouting at him as she does this it shows her  grabbing the chair that he is ties to and pushing him backwards into the pool. Once she does this she then lights a lighter and throws it into the pool it then ignites the water which indicates that it was flammable. In the final shot is shows Lorde’s face looking into the flames.



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