Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Music Video Analysis Location

Avici The Nights
In Avici’s music video he uses many different locations to show his music video. This is because he has done it in a home video style this is effective as it makes the viewer believe that they are there and are seeing it as it happens. He begins with a shot of his garage as an introduction to his music video. Nit then changes to a shot f him getting in a car this shows that he is going on a journey. It is done in a time laps this shows what is happening at a faster pace. It consists of changing shots that show home footage of him and his family and friends and also shows him traveling. This consist of very different locations shows and also shots of him on holiday and traveling with him family and friends this is important as this helps to build up a music video that consist of very different shots but theyall come back to the one main feature that is family and friends. Has videos of them visiting tourist attractions and going to many different areas of the world. By not having one clearly defined location that is consistent within the music video this is effective because it helps to tell a story of his life this is one using many different methods of filming. This is because some of it is filmed on a camera and then a lot of it seems to be filled on a go pro. This gives the style that they are film git as it happens and it is not stead or planned in any way. This gives a unique aspect to the videos there are very few other artists that have created a style like this one.

the use of various different locations in different setting allow the viewer to see a different aspect iof the video in a different way. by having some of the video set in a city this allows some people relate to different setting allow the video to appeal to a wider audience which means that more people will be able to enjoy it.
  The use of wide shots allow the setting to be established. This means that the viewer is able to see the whole shot and who is in it. This shot above shows the main actor within the video jumping off a cliff. This is used when it says ‘went face to face with all our fears’ this is showing a relation towards the jumping off the high cliff this is enabling the viewer to have another connection with the video.
The uses of shadows and sunsets give the video a special effect that makes it seem complete. The use of this shot showing the three people allow the viewers to make their own assumptions about them and some may see them as friends which enables the viewer s to have something to relate to within the video.
  The next lyrics say ‘light a fire they can’t put out’ this is in relation to the video. This is effective because by creating a visual that matches the lyrics this will enable the video to flow and have a consistent style to it.
The use of a bonfire and firework setting allows the viewer to see how the setting and location of this shot links to friends and family. This is because it shows the fireworks in the background and then the people in the foreground. This enables the viewer to see this shot as a group style photo. 
The use of constantly changing shots mean that the setting is not specifically consistent for more than 10 seconds at a time. This is effective because this is showing how they are moving and going forward with time. This is an important feature of the video because this means that the video and its style is developing as the song goes on.

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