Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Music Video Analysis Lighting

Hozier Take Me To Church

Hozier’s music video for take me to church is filmed in black and white this gives it a very different effect this is because it makes the lyrics match to the dark style of the music video and the meaning behind it. The lighting in the music video is mainly daylight however by being filmed in black and white this makes the whole thing look much more sinister. This links to the meaning of the video because of its underlying meaning. The lighting is mainly used in the 3.22 second this is because it shows the main being dragged along the grass with the other men. The lighting really becomes effective when the man lights up flare and then the shot changes to show how many men are dragging him. This is effective as it shows how dark the meaning of the video actually is and how sinister the meaning is. Even though the majority of the video seems to be filmed during the day time and it seems to be positive. The balk and white cinematic filming makes you believe that there is a cark meaning behind it. When it shows the different shots of the two men together and then the shots of the men coming from them the filming style and the contrasts changed. When it shows the two men together and happy it has a miler contrast therefore making it seem more positive and happier. However when it changes to the shot of the men coming for them it changes to s deeper constants this makes it seem there is minimal detail in the shot and that they are the darker side to the video opposed to the two men that are together. Changing in lighting is used to show two very different sides to a story.

  Within this video lighting is used to represent the moods within the video. Within the first shot I have used it shows a bright style of lighting to show how it is positive and more up beta this is reflected in the actors and their actions.
  It then quickly changes to a different shot that shows a man looking over at the two men this is shown in a much more negative way this is because it shown with a bold background and a focus on his face. The darker colours within this shot the style of genre within this part of the video.
This shot is well light and has a mild contrast to it thins means that the style is faster paced and this links to the video because the lyrics link well with this as does the melody as it because much faster paced.
Within the next two shots the style of lighting becomes much darker. This is reflected within the story that is being told. I believe that the deeper contrast within these shots is used to create a much more dark style of the video. This is used when the story that is being told is being portrayed in a negative and sad style.
In the final shot when the video it shows the fire and the outlines of the people stood by it. This is used as a backing light as this is the main focus point when the video. This is important because this is showing the end of the video and where the end of the story is. This dark shot is used to shows the sad end to the story that is the music video to this song.

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