Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Music Video Analysis Character

Sia Chandelier

Sia’s music video chandelier has a dark main behind it this is shown through the lyrics and the facial expressions done by the character the young girl that features throughout Sia’s music videos. Her video begins very basically showing the young girl pinned in-between a door way.  this video consists of various different styles of expressions. this is because it will show the expression of happiness and sadness within a few seconds of each other this is effective because this is showing all the different style that are being portrayed within the video.

It then shows her dropping to the floor and then she begins to dance. She seems to be possessed in the slow and eccentric movements. She has minimal facial expressions throughout however it sometimes does close ups showing how her expression changes it shows her with her eyes wide open and she is not specifically focusing on any one pint. the movements within the video are very slow in motion however there are some movements that indicate the style being more fast paced and certain features of the video jolt in a way because of the hand gestures and the very precise movements of her face and body.

The dancing in this video is different it shows a much more eccentric style that consists of very flexible movements that are on some occasions faced tis is shown when she pulls her head up by her own hair. within the video here are specific shots that are used for example wide shots these are used to show the full body and the movements of the girl in the video this is effective because this is showing her from head to toe and what she is doing with her whole body.

There is a lot of use of hand gestures throughout this video they show her sat at a table and on the floor moving her hands to the beat of the music this is done along with wide eyed facial expressions makes her seem as if there is something wrong. the use of hand gestures is important within the video this is because they are used to portray and link with the lyrics to allow the viewer to have a visuals and verbal link between the two

It consists of different shows showing the girl in different areas of the apartment it changes to a show of a corridor and shows her doing an upside down crab like movement. The style of dancing in this video is very different and makes it stand out.  the use of a whole apartment is good because this is allowing there to be various locations used but they are all within one set of rooms. with the shot below the facial expressions play a large feature within this music video because it allows the viewer to understand and interpret them as they wish. this is effective because it can appeal to many different audiences in very different ways.

This makes the video unique and the style stand out from other music video. In the end of the music video it shows her stood in a doorway curtsying and as she does her face changes to a smile. This shows that the happiness within the music video and the facial expressions are all put on. overall this music video creates a much more disturbing feel to it than anything else this is because the gestures and the facial expressions could be seen as sinister and the slow motions also portray this.

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