Sunday, 20 March 2016

Propps Theory Evalustion

Propp's character theory

Within my music video there is no definitive hero, villain, helper or princess. I have used a main female character which could be seen as the princess. We have included Sophie as our main feature artist because this is allowing us to create a style that links to his character theory. There is a central focus of the video which is the main character allowing there to be a main feature to the video. This is a difficult theory to match to my video because most of the context is not relevant to this theory. I have only included one main chancer therefore it is difficult to achieve a definitive role for each of the peripheral characters in the video. There are lots of different character who do not have specific roles so it becomes difficult to have a main character in the video. The only main character in the video is Sophie who is playing the leader singer in the band and there are many peripheral character is this video. With our genre of alternative and indie it is difficult to create different charters and create a conflict between the charters therefore it does not occur frequently in the video where there is much conflict or the meeting of more than one person in a story telling way. Overall this is not an accurate theory to be matching with the video that I have made as it included more of a story’s style and character based music video that we have not aimed for in the production of our final product.

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