Sunday, 20 March 2016

Goodwins Theory Evaluation

Goodwin’s 5 character aspects

-          Relationship between the lyrics and the video

Within the video I have included lots of shots and images that match the lyrics of the video. The main lyrics on the video are ‘Hey ho on the road again’ we have used this key lyric phrase to match with the images and videos that we have included in the music video. Throughout there are references to hearts and love which go with the lyrics and the videos of different relationships that have been included in the video.  This is a key aspect when making a successful video because this is what helps the video to flow well together and make sense to the audience by matching the lyrics and visuals the means that there is a connection between the two.

-          Relationship between the song and visuals

The use of different video of different people whistling has allowed us to match the video we have included different style of music to go with the video and the beat of the music. I have included lots of faster paced videos throughout the video that go well with the music that is in the song. I have included different videos of people that match the video. In the opening second scene there is a video of the main character playing the guitar which matches with the guitar that is in the song. This is creating a link with the visuals and the song for the viewer.

-          Narrative to the video (tells a story)

Within the video a story is created by the use of different character and relationships coming together in the video. This is effective because it allows there to be a scene set when people are watching the video. This is done effectively because the main female character is being the centre of the video also all of the filming is based around her. By telling a story in the video this is allowing more people to be more linking to keep on watching. This has been done in my video by showing lots of different relationships this is important because this is what allows people who are into different genres relate to the video because of the diverse selection of people who are in the music video.

-          Star image

The use of a star image is allowing there to be a centre of attention in the video. This is key because there needs to be a main artist that is portrayed in the video. This is done with Sophie this is allowing there to be a main focus to the video that is seen by all of the audience. This is shown because she is the main character who is singing and lip syncing to the video. This is effective because this is allowing the viewer to be able to easily identify who the main character is. By creating a centre of attention this is allowing there to be a universal person that all of the audience will be looking at so it is key that this is fitting to the video and the lip syncing goes well and is in time with the music.

-          Technical aspect

This is how the camera is held and how well the camera angles and work is done throughout the video. This is a key aspect because this what makes the video look professional and be effective on the viewer. The use of clothing in the video is effective because this is used to allow the video to look effective and match the style of surroundings and what the song is about. The beats in the music video are used with the camera this is used with the quick shots to show them changing or motion within the filming. The use of different setting has allowed me to achieve an original style to the music video that not many other people have made. The use of different lighting has been used to achieve different style and allow scenes of the video to be portrayed through the use of the different styles and forms of lighting.

Overall this is the best theory that matches the music video that I have made because all of the key features used in this theory are shown and used in the video that I have made. this is good because this means that I am able to base my video around a definitive theory that has been made. this was useful because this means that I have something that I can base my music video off and have the key features in the video reflected though this theory.

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