Thursday, 5 November 2015

Possible Locations

For my location I will use a rural setting for the majority of the music video with a few urban and city setting throughout. I think that most of the shots will be in woodland and lakes and an outdoor style to it this is because it will go well with the lyrics that I have chosen but also this style will be easy to achieve because of the area that I live in. I think that the style of woodland and lakes will help me to achieve the style of going on walks with friends. This is going to be a key feature within my music video because the main focus will be relationships and friendships. By having a few urban and city setting photos and images in the music video this will display how the friendships and relationships are traveling along with the music video. By using city centres and other urban setting such as train and car journeys this will be effective as it shows the people and friends traveling together. I will use events such as bonfire nights and other events such as potentially gigs and concerts as this will give another depth to the video.

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